Did you know that in addition to expanding our Client Service days from 2 to 5, that we have also responded to the growing numbers of vulnerable community members who are faced with Covid-19 restrictions ?. ‘Gap the Hunger’ is a supplement program that will help families who are no longer able to access programs, like Eggs in School, Backpacks 4 Hunger, Highschool Lunches, community Church Lunches and so many others.
Right now as the demands grow, we are in need of the following :
- Mac & Cheese
- Peanut-butter
- Canned Soups
- Pasta , Bagged or Boxed
- Pasta Sauce
- Canned Beans
- Instant Meals (just add water, Oatmeal, Rice, Noodles, Pancake Mix )
- Canned or Dried Fruit (cranberries, apricots, raisins)
- Canned Protein (Tuna, Chicken, Salmon, etc)
To do our part in practicing ‘Social Distancing’ we ask that you plan to come to our centre to drop off between the hours of 8:30-10:00am and 2:30-3:30pm, at our large receiving door. Simply, ring the bell beside the entrance door. If you have a manual trunk, please open it before returning to your vehicle, if it’s automatic, please pop it once you see us. We will off load your donation, close the truck and give you a ‘high five’ for being so thoughtful and generous during such a time of need.
If you don’t want to go out , but still would like to donate, please feel free to call us 357-3461 we will take your donation over the phone, and send out a Charitable Tax Receipt as requested.